Coronavirus (COVID-19)
It’s no secret, the coronavirus is here, and it isn’t going anywhere for awhile. Orange County is experiencing an uptick in the number of confirmed infections, and the Orange County Healthcare Agency has already reported one death. As of yesterday, March 26, there were 256 cases of COVID-19, which is an increase of 69 cases from the day before. The number of cases in Orange County seems to double every three days. Due to the shortage of tests, it is important for all residents to stay home and practice social distancing. This means staying indoors and working from home (if possible) and only leaving the house to shop for essential items.
Things you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick:
Wash your hands frequently with soap for more than 20 seconds;
Maintain social distancing (see above for description);
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth;
Practice respiratory hygiene (cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough); and
Isolate yourself from household members who feel sick.